
Our mission

Environmental stewardship is one of our core values, both above and below the ocean’s surface. Our mission is to work for the protection of all wildlife as we encourage our guests to explore, become more involved in education, conservation, and sustainability.

Responsible Whale Watching

The west coast of Canada is one of the best places for whale watching on the planet. Canada’s laws and regulations help ensure our whales and marine mammals can still be enjoyed, but at a safe distance.

Transport Canada works closely with whale watching companies to ensure the conservation of marine life,  while still giving guests an excellent experience.

We are dedicated to education, conservation, and responsible wildlife viewing, and our priority is the safety of our passengers, crew, and resident marine wildlife.

We are required to keep a minimum distance of 100 metres from most marine mammals. 

We are authorized by the Government of Canada and to view both Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales and Northern Resident Killer Whales at a safe distance of 200 metres, opposed to the standard vessel approach distance of 400 metres.

Southern resident killer whales (SRKW)

The Government of Canada together with the whale watching community are formulating strategies in an effort to assist with recovery measures of the endangered SRKW’s. These measures include preserving the critically low numbers of chinook salmon, their main food source, and ensuring that vessel traffic is minimized. To assist with these efforts, as an authorized Transport Canada whale watching company, we do not engage in the viewing of SRKW, however with an abundance of marine mammals in this region, the Bigg’s (transient) killer whale populations are healthy.

Our partners in conservation

2025 Herring Spawn Tour!

The yearly Pacific herring spawn around Hornby Island is one of the most important natural events in the Pacific Northwest. Join us to witness this natural phenomenon first hand from the comfort of our heated covered vessels.